Tower Of Rome - All Is Lost, All Is Lost, All Is Yet To Be Found
Aunque automaticamente al ver esta portada de este disco, de seguro pensaras que se trata de alguna banda de metal cristiano. La verdad es que poco y nada contiene dentro este disco...Solo si deseas averiguarlo debes chequear download.
1.They Say She Died Because She Was Too Honest
2. Real Teamwork Means You Pull Your Knife out of My Back While I Push Min
3. I Want My Fifty Dollars
4. Girls That Smoke Gross Me out to the Max
5. This Is a Film About a Ghost
6. I Screamed a lot on October Fifteenth
7. Chicagi Chicagi I Think I'm Going to Blow My Own Head off Now
8. This Is the Worst Time to Run out of Matches
9. Only Attainable Truth That Comes to Mind Right Now
10. I Guess Moods Just Go with the Screams Around Here
11. We Put the Fun in Funeral
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